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Time API

where do you define the time sequence ? How can I get this sequence as such ?

def getAvailableTime(self, from_date=None, to_date=None,

portal_type=[], node=[], resource=[], **kw):

Calculate available time in second for a node

Returns an inventory of a single or multiple resources on a single

node as a single float value

from_date (>=) - only take rows which mirror_date is >= from_date

to_date (<) - only take rows which date is < to_date

node - only take rows in stock table which node_uid is

equivalent to node

resource - only take rows in stock table which resource_uid is

equivalent to resource

portal_type - only take rows in stock table which portal_type

is in portal_type parameter


Time API is defined and implemented on Selection Tool.

Aliases can be added on others classes to automatically defined some parameter.

Ex: on the Person class, node parameter is automatically calculed as the combination of the person uid and group calendar uid related to person assignment.