Most Powerful Open Source ERP

ERP5 Success Cases

ERP5 has been used for many mission critical projects in different business fields. Each story describes the business needs which have been solved using ERP5, the challenges being met and how Nexedi solved. Each story also described the lesson being learn. Below you can find links to some of the success cases them.


Coramy, a European leader of apparel industry and first user of ERP5, was awarded best ERP implementation project in the special edition of Décision Informatique on June, 21st, 2004. A panel of 40 corporate managers, researchers and journalists voted this award. They recognize the excellence of ERP5 implementation as Open Source / Libre Software in a highly mission critical manufacturing environment. ERP5 is an Enterprise Resource Planning Solution published under Open Source / Libre Licenses. ERP5 main features include customer relation management (CRM), production management (MRP), supply chain management (SCM), product design management (PDM), accounting, human resources and e-commerce. More can be found here.

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MMC Rus(一家全国性汽车经销商)运行ERP5来管理内部合同和组织审批流程。


Aide et Action International 是一个关注让所有人都能够接受有质量教育的非政府组织。总部设在日内瓦(瑞士), 这个组织有超过1000名员工, 并且在全球范围内有120个项目。为了提升财务信息的质量和透明度,并提高财务部门的工作效率,Aide et Action部署了一个基于云的ERP5配置,用于覆盖综合及分析会计管理,并对位于22个国家的30个不同的单位进行预算管理。




Infoterra GmbH, 空中客车防务及航空公司的一个直属分公司, 拥有TerraSAR-X雷达地球卫星图像的独家商业开发权,使用ERP5来管理销售服务版块。该系统将一个完整的订单管理系统作为一个元素通过几种接口,如DLR 和BAFA, 整合到整套TSXX后台中。 整个项目的实施由Nexedi和Logica 慕尼黑办公室执行。

WINDELIN - Predictive Maintenance and Optimisation of Wind Turbines using an open-source Big Data Machine Learning Cloud

WINDELIN is a R & D project developed under Eureka programme using machine learning and big data technologies for anomaly detection and predictive maintenance inside wind turbines.

