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Configure ERP5 for Small and Medium Business with Configurator

A step by step guide to teach how to configure an ERP5 instance using ERP5 Configurator

Configure the Number of Users (Standard) A4

The screenshot of the configurator form used to define how much initial users will be created during the standard configuration.

ERP5 Login Form

The screenshot of Login Form, present into any ERP5 instance

ERP5 Login Form

The screenshot of Login Form, present into any ERP5 instance

Configure the Accounting for Your ERP (Standard)

The screenshot of the configurator form the collects accounting information in other to generate appropriate accounting configuration during the standard configuration.

Configure the Accounting for Your ERP (Standard)

The screenshot of the configurator form the collects accounting information in other to generate appropriate accounting configuration during the standard configuration.

Installing your Configuration (Standard)

The screenshot of the progression bar for the Configuration Installation.

Configure the Number of Users (Standard)

The screenshot of the configurator form used to define how much initial users will be created during the standard configuration.

Configure the Number of Users (Standard)

The screenshot of the configurator form used to define how much initial users will be created during the standard configuration.

Configure your Organisation (Standard)

The screenshot of the configurator form used to configure the organisation, during the stardard configuration progress.

Configure your Organisation (Standard)

The screenshot of the configurator form used to configure the organisation, during the stardard configuration progress.

Configure the ERP5 Preferences (Standard)

The screenshot of the configurator form that collects the preferences like language, email in other to generate appropriate configuration.

Configure the ERP5 Preferences (Standard)

The screenshot of the configurator form that collects the preferences like language, email in other to generate appropriate configuration.

Configure the Initial Users (Standard)

The screenshot of the configurator form used to configure the initial users of the Instance during the standard workflow.

Configure the Initial Users (Standard)

The screenshot of the configurator form used to configure the initial users of the Instance during the standard workflow.

Installing your Configuration (Standard)

The screenshot of the progression bar for the Configuration Installation.

Configure Security Roles using a Spreadsheet

The screenshot of configurator form used to upload an spreadsheet with the security roles definitions to be used at the instance.

Installing your Configuration (Consulting)

The screenshot of the progression bar for the Configuration Installation.

Launch the Configuration (Standard)

The screenshot of the configurator form which lauches the configuration, once confirmed the configuration is launched.

Configure the ERP5 Preferences (Consulting)

The screenshot of the configurator form that collects the preferences like language, email in other to generate appropriate configuration.