Most Powerful Open Source ERP

ERP5 User HowTos

How Tos are short guides that describe precisely how to achieve specific elementary tasks with ERP5.
  • Last Update:2016-03-17
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

HowTos explain how to use ERP5 and achieve specific elementary tasks. If you can not find a howto replying to your need here or in the User HowTos, please ask a question in our Forum.

HowTos are grouped by keywords. Click on a keyword for displaying a list of related documents across the full documentation.


  • How to Add People - In this presentation, you will learn how to create new persons in ERP5.


  • Accounting Application - ERP5 includes advanced multidimensional analytical accounting. It can fit the needs of small companies, groups of companies, multinational companies and governmental organisations. The ERP5 accounting model combines mutliple accounting plans in a single environment. It supports both private accounting (ex. PCG, OHADA, etc.) and public accounting (ex. M14). ERP5 Accounting has been designed with and certified by chartered accountants.
  • Nexedi announces "SlapOS Billing": open source billing platform for Cloud Computing - Nexedi, creator of ERP5 open source ERP and inventor of decentralized Cloud Computing, will introduce at Solutions Linux exhibition in Paris "SlapOS Billing", an open source billing platform for Cloud Computing.
  • Grouping Customers - This screenshot is the transactions tab of an accounting account



  • Advanced Invoicing Application - ERP5 Advanced Invoicing Application provides a generic separation between invoice generation and respective invoice transaction.


  • ERP5 Implementation in Aerospace Industry: Integrated Order Management Solution for TerraSAR-X Commercial Service Segment - Airbus DS Geo GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Airbus Defence and Space, holds the exclusive commercial exploitation rights for the TerraSAR-X radar earth observation satellite and uses ERP5 as part of the service segment for the commercial distribution of data from the TerraSAR-X Mission . The initial implementation of the ERP5 for the TerraSAR-X Service Segment was realised by Nexedi and Logica and went into production in 2006, after which Nexedi took sole responsibility for managing the system and its technical evolution.


Aerospace IndustrySearch

  • ERP5 Implementation in Aerospace Industry: Integrated Order Management Solution for TerraSAR-X Commercial Service Segment - Airbus DS Geo GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Airbus Defence and Space, holds the exclusive commercial exploitation rights for the TerraSAR-X radar earth observation satellite and uses ERP5 as part of the service segment for the commercial distribution of data from the TerraSAR-X Mission . The initial implementation of the ERP5 for the TerraSAR-X Service Segment was realised by Nexedi and Logica and went into production in 2006, after which Nexedi took sole responsibility for managing the system and its technical evolution.


  • ERP5 Implementation in Aerospace Industry: Integrated Order Management Solution for TerraSAR-X Commercial Service Segment - Airbus DS Geo GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Airbus Defence and Space, holds the exclusive commercial exploitation rights for the TerraSAR-X radar earth observation satellite and uses ERP5 as part of the service segment for the commercial distribution of data from the TerraSAR-X Mission . The initial implementation of the ERP5 for the TerraSAR-X Service Segment was realised by Nexedi and Logica and went into production in 2006, after which Nexedi took sole responsibility for managing the system and its technical evolution.



  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.



  • eCommerce Application - Application providing a front end to ERP5 for online order management including online shop, online procurement, etc. syncing with an ERP5 back office through the industry standard SyncML protocol.
  • ERP5 MRP - Application covering the full range of requirements to manage a production facility: BOMs, Production Orders, Production Reports, Material Requirement Planning, Complex Supply Chains, etc. ERP5's multidimensional model allows for managing multiple independent factories within the same database, either in centralized or distributed mode.
  • ERP5 CRM Application - ERP5 CRM provides an extensible solution to track customers, their career history, their relation to organisations and all related events. It includes a flexible workflow based ticket management system to support sales opportunities, support requests and non conformance reports. It can act as a consolidation solution for all contact information in an organisation with full multidimensional classification and built-in LDAP interfacing.
  • Banking Application - Solution for central banking, cash management, check management and account management.
  • Accounting Application - ERP5 includes advanced multidimensional analytical accounting. It can fit the needs of small companies, groups of companies, multinational companies and governmental organisations. The ERP5 accounting model combines mutliple accounting plans in a single environment. It supports both private accounting (ex. PCG, OHADA, etc.) and public accounting (ex. M14). ERP5 Accounting has been designed with and certified by chartered accountants.
  • Inventory Application - ERP5 Inventory application provides inventory for ERP5
  • Forge Application - ERP5 Forge helps software development. It provide a bug management module, integration with version control systems and a glossary module for translation project.
  • RSS Application - Use any ERP5 data to turn it into a RSS feed
  • Immobilisation Application - Immobilisation Template gives the ability to make accountable immobilisations and amortisations in ERP5.
  • ERP5 KM Application - Application to organize documents and content for organizations or communities with a large number of participant or high amount of information.
  • Barcode Application - Create barcodes within ERP5 and print them
  • Conversion Application - ERP5 Conversion Application allows site administrators to pre convert DMS documents in background to desired formats and save this pre conversion in cache backend (kumodb) so DMS conversion is served instantly
  • Credential Application - ERP5 Credential provides a generic implementation of credential management in applications such as web sites, social networks, self-management of credentials in corporations, etc.
  • Gadget Application - A System to create dynamic portals using draggable and droppable knowledge gadgets
  • Electronic Government Application - ERP5 Electronic Government Application provides a generic solution for building an electronic government site. It can turn any PDF into an electronic form and save it inside a database for further processing.
  • OOo Import Data Application - ERP5 OOo Import Data Application makes it possible to import data from Open Office documents into ERP5.
  • SQL Worklist Cache Application - SQL-based caching system for worklists. This allows to cache object count into a SQL table, reducing greatly the amount of work needed for every worklist generation.
  • POS Application - ERP5 POS Application provides POS capabilities within a web based ERP5 system.
  • Consulting Application - Application for consultancy processes covering definition of requirements, categories and tasks.
  • HR Application - ERP5 HR provides human resources management inside ERP5
  • PDM Application - ERP5 PDM provides Product Data Management inside ERP5
  • Payroll Application - ERP5 Payroll generates pay-sheets based on flexible parameters. Multiple legislation can be supported within a single database
  • Base Application - ERP5 Base includes base module for the most common use of ERP5: Organisations, Persons and Currencies.
  • Invoicing Application - Application to generate invoices in ERP5.
  • Budget Application - ERP5 Budget helps manage budgets
  • Web Application - Simple yet powerful publication system over the web. Can serve any ERP5 object within a custom web design / layout.
  • Forum Application - ERP5 Forum provides discussions / forum for any ERP5 document
  • Credential Update View - 
  • Project Application - ERP5 Project application provide project management
  • Advanced Invoicing Application - ERP5 Advanced Invoicing Application provides a generic separation between invoice generation and respective invoice transaction.
  • SVG Editor Application - ERP5 SVG Editor Application provides a web SVG file editing user interface for editing a SVG content inside ERP5.
  • Credential Recovery View - 
  • Xinha Editor Application - Application enabling use of Xinha Editor inside ERP5 (
  • Trade Application - ERP5 Trade provides management of sales, purchasing, packing, delivery and shipping processes.
  • CSV Style Application - Export any data inside ERP5 into a CSV format.
  • Email Reader Application - ERP5 Email Reader Application provide the features of an Email reader to ERP5. It consists of a DMS external source, a WebSite and a gadget. The external source is capable of reading email from any POP/IMAP server, store it and index it into ERP5. The WebSite provides a email focused user interface. Gadgets provide access to email from ERP5 main page or from ERP5 KM.
  • Slideshow Application - ERP5 Slideshow Application provides a way to turn any web page into a nice presentation which can be shown into a full screen mode.


  • Careers - In this presentation, you will learn the universal work-flow of careers and assignments and their application within ERP5.


  • How to Add People - In this presentation, you will learn how to create new persons in ERP5.


  • Authentication Policy Application - Allows to implement any authentication policy for an ERP5 Web site like block user after X authentication failures, control quality of used passwords, etc.


  • Auto Logout Application - Allows to implement a cookie based authentication policy (i.e. auto logout feature if user is inactive after a configurable time interval)


  • ERP5 Implementation in Aerospace Industry: Integrated Order Management Solution for TerraSAR-X Commercial Service Segment - Airbus DS Geo GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Airbus Defence and Space, holds the exclusive commercial exploitation rights for the TerraSAR-X radar earth observation satellite and uses ERP5 as part of the service segment for the commercial distribution of data from the TerraSAR-X Mission . The initial implementation of the ERP5 for the TerraSAR-X Service Segment was realised by Nexedi and Logica and went into production in 2006, after which Nexedi took sole responsibility for managing the system and its technical evolution.


  • ERP5 Banking - Press release to announce the successful implementation of ERP5 in a Central Bank
  • ERP5 Banking - A commercial presentation of ERP5 Banking.



Bar CodeSearch

  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.


  • Barcode Application - Create barcodes within ERP5 and print them
  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.


  • Base Application - ERP5 Base includes base module for the most common use of ERP5: Organisations, Persons and Currencies.

Big DataSearch

  • Application Convergence 2024 - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.
  • Application Convergence - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.






Business TemplateSearch


  • SQL Worklist Cache Application - SQL-based caching system for worklists. This allows to cache object count into a SQL table, reducing greatly the amount of work needed for every worklist generation.



  • Careers - In this presentation, you will learn the universal work-flow of careers and assignments and their application within ERP5.


Central BankSearch

  • ERP5 Banking - Press release to announce the successful implementation of ERP5 in a Central Bank


  • Application Convergence 2024 - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.
  • Application Convergence - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.




  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.

Chemical IndustrySearch

  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.


Cloud ComputingSearch

  • SlapOS Early Success Stories - This document provides a presentation of early success stories of SlapOS as of June 7th 2001. SlapOS success stories were first introduced at the OSCi workshop of the Compatible ONE collaborative research project to an audience of consisting of representatives of companies such as Bull, Intel, Alcatel Lucent, Thales, Orange, Nuxeo, Xwiki, Nexedi, Activeon, eNovance, Mandriva and VIFIB. Success stories were then announced officially during FISL, the largest open source conference worldwide, organized in Porto Alegre (Brazil).
  • UNG Debut - UNG Docs 1.0 Open Source Web Office Suite has been released during CONSEGI 2011 in Brasilia and at the same time during Solutions Linux exhibition in Paris. UNG Docs was successfully implemented at Instituto Federal Fluminense in Brazil on a SlapOS distributed Cloud to provide productivity application to students and researchers. UNG Docs is part of the "UNG is Not G....." for a Free Cloud.
  • OSOE Debut - OSOE Launch press release
  • TioLive Grid Debut - PR to announce the creation the TioLive Grid

Cloud ComputingSearch


  • TioGadz - Press release after 2009 TGO and TioGadz launch


  • Unit Tests - This page provides information how to download ERP5's source code.
  • Source Code - This page provides information how to download ERP5's source code.


  • ERP5 Git Stats - This spreadsheets cumulates the data of the erp5 related repositories. The data was athered using the gitstats tool: The following repositories are included: cloudoo, neoppod, jio, renderjs, officejs, slapos, slapos.package, slapos.toolbox, slapos.core,, miniupnp, re6stnet, slapos.andorid, slapos.libnetworkcache, slapos.rebootstrap,, slapos.recipe.maarch, slapos.recipe.template, slapos.zcbworkarounds and xfw.
  • ERP5 Commit Diagram - Diagram which shows the commits of all ERP5 related repositories from the time periods 03-2004 to 02-2007, 03-2007 to 02-2010 and from 03-2010 to 02-2013. It is an extract of the data available in the spreadsheet "ERP5.R&D-git-stats" (see referenced Documents).


  • TioGadz - Press release after 2009 TGO and TioGadz launch




  • Code and Test - Information on how to contribute to ERP5 including authoring and contribution guidelines.


  • Unit Tests - This page provides information how to download ERP5's source code.
  • Source Code - This page provides information how to download ERP5's source code.


  • Conversion Application - ERP5 Conversion Application allows site administrators to pre convert DMS documents in background to desired formats and save this pre conversion in cache backend (kumodb) so DMS conversion is served instantly


  • Credential Application - ERP5 Credential provides a generic implementation of credential management in applications such as web sites, social networks, self-management of credentials in corporations, etc.



  • Free Revolution - Press release for the introduction of ERP5 Express Free Service
  • User Documentation - Annonce de la mise en ligne de la documentation Express.
  • TioGadz - Press release after 2009 TGO and TioGadz launch
  • TioGadz - Press release after 2009 TGO and TioGadz launch
  • Front Page - 


  • CRM - Description ERP5 CRM features for Enterprise segment.
  • ERP5 CRM Application - ERP5 CRM provides an extensible solution to track customers, their career history, their relation to organisations and all related events. It includes a flexible workflow based ticket management system to support sales opportunities, support requests and non conformance reports. It can act as a consolidation solution for all contact information in an organisation with full multidimensional classification and built-in LDAP interfacing.
  • Application Convergence 2024 - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.
  • Application Convergence - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.
  • TioLive implemation at Bet'Eire Flow - PR to announce the successful implementation of TioLive at Bet'Eire Flow
  • TioLive Grid Debut - PR to announce the creation the TioLive Grid




  • OOo Import Data Application - ERP5 OOo Import Data Application makes it possible to import data from Open Office documents into ERP5.


  • ERP5 Commit Diagram - Diagram which shows the commits of all ERP5 related repositories from the time periods 03-2004 to 02-2007, 03-2007 to 02-2010 and from 03-2010 to 02-2013. It is an extract of the data available in the spreadsheet "ERP5.R&D-git-stats" (see referenced Documents).

Digital PaperSearch

  • Government - Description of ERP5 solutions for e-goverment.
  • Aerospace - Description of ERP5 solutions for e-goverment.


  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.

Distributed ComputingSearch


  • ERP5 Implementation in Aerospace Industry: Integrated Order Management Solution for TerraSAR-X Commercial Service Segment - Airbus DS Geo GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Airbus Defence and Space, holds the exclusive commercial exploitation rights for the TerraSAR-X radar earth observation satellite and uses ERP5 as part of the service segment for the commercial distribution of data from the TerraSAR-X Mission . The initial implementation of the ERP5 for the TerraSAR-X Service Segment was realised by Nexedi and Logica and went into production in 2006, after which Nexedi took sole responsibility for managing the system and its technical evolution.


  • Application Convergence 2024 - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.
  • Application Convergence - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.



  • Application Convergence 2024 - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.
  • Application Convergence - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.


  • Application Convergence 2024 - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.
  • Application Convergence - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.


  • eCommerce - Description ERP5 CRM features for Enterprise segment.


  • eCommerce Application - Application providing a front end to ERP5 for online order management including online shop, online procurement, etc. syncing with an ERP5 back office through the industry standard SyncML protocol.
  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.


  • SVG Editor Application - ERP5 SVG Editor Application provides a web SVG file editing user interface for editing a SVG content inside ERP5.
  • Xinha Editor Application - Application enabling use of Xinha Editor inside ERP5 (


  • Government - Description of ERP5 solutions for e-goverment.
  • Aerospace - Description of ERP5 solutions for e-goverment.


  • Electronic Government Application - ERP5 Electronic Government Application provides a generic solution for building an electronic government site. It can turn any PDF into an electronic form and save it inside a database for further processing.


  • Application Convergence 2024 - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.
  • Application Convergence - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.
  • Email Reader Application - ERP5 Email Reader Application provide the features of an Email reader to ERP5. It consists of a DMS external source, a WebSite and a gadget. The external source is capable of reading email from any POP/IMAP server, store it and index it into ERP5. The WebSite provides a email focused user interface. Gadgets provide access to email from ERP5 main page or from ERP5 KM.


  • KM - Description of ERP5 KM solutions.



  • User Documentation - Annonce de la mise en ligne de la documentation Express.
  • Application Convergence 2024 - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.
  • Application Convergence - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.
  • eCommerce - Description ERP5 CRM features for Enterprise segment.
  • TioLive Grid Debut - PR to announce the creation the TioLive Grid

Erp LinuxSearch

Erp Open SourceSearch

Erp SoftwareSearch


  • eCommerce Application - Application providing a front end to ERP5 for online order management including online shop, online procurement, etc. syncing with an ERP5 back office through the industry standard SyncML protocol.
  • ERP5 MRP - Application covering the full range of requirements to manage a production facility: BOMs, Production Orders, Production Reports, Material Requirement Planning, Complex Supply Chains, etc. ERP5's multidimensional model allows for managing multiple independent factories within the same database, either in centralized or distributed mode.
  • EOS Venture launches letitseed in France - Two months after its launch, EOS Venture is the only PSI ACPR-accredited equity crowdfunding platform in France, is built with the ERP/CRM modules of Nexedi's ERP5 and hosted on SlapOS.
  • ERP5 CRM Application - ERP5 CRM provides an extensible solution to track customers, their career history, their relation to organisations and all related events. It includes a flexible workflow based ticket management system to support sales opportunities, support requests and non conformance reports. It can act as a consolidation solution for all contact information in an organisation with full multidimensional classification and built-in LDAP interfacing.
  • Banking Application - Solution for central banking, cash management, check management and account management.
  • Accounting Application - ERP5 includes advanced multidimensional analytical accounting. It can fit the needs of small companies, groups of companies, multinational companies and governmental organisations. The ERP5 accounting model combines mutliple accounting plans in a single environment. It supports both private accounting (ex. PCG, OHADA, etc.) and public accounting (ex. M14). ERP5 Accounting has been designed with and certified by chartered accountants.
  • Inventory Application - ERP5 Inventory application provides inventory for ERP5
  • First open source e-government platform in China - Nexedi released today the first open source lightning protection egovernment platform after studying during 9-months the business process of lightning protection in China. The platform is built on the ERP5 workflow with full customization to Chinese lightning protection business process and decision-making flow, together with modern e-business features: e-signature, document management, real-time image capturing, geo-location, mobile access. etc.
  • Auto Logout Application - Allows to implement a cookie based authentication policy (i.e. auto logout feature if user is inactive after a configurable time interval)
  • Forge Application - ERP5 Forge helps software development. It provide a bug management module, integration with version control systems and a glossary module for translation project.
  • RSS Application - Use any ERP5 data to turn it into a RSS feed
  • Immobilisation Application - Immobilisation Template gives the ability to make accountable immobilisations and amortisations in ERP5.
  • ERP5 KM Application - Application to organize documents and content for organizations or communities with a large number of participant or high amount of information.
  • Barcode Application - Create barcodes within ERP5 and print them
  • Conversion Application - ERP5 Conversion Application allows site administrators to pre convert DMS documents in background to desired formats and save this pre conversion in cache backend (kumodb) so DMS conversion is served instantly
  • Authentication Policy Application - Allows to implement any authentication policy for an ERP5 Web site like block user after X authentication failures, control quality of used passwords, etc.
  • Credential Application - ERP5 Credential provides a generic implementation of credential management in applications such as web sites, social networks, self-management of credentials in corporations, etc.
  • Gadget Application - A System to create dynamic portals using draggable and droppable knowledge gadgets
  • Electronic Government Application - ERP5 Electronic Government Application provides a generic solution for building an electronic government site. It can turn any PDF into an electronic form and save it inside a database for further processing.
  • OOo Import Data Application - ERP5 OOo Import Data Application makes it possible to import data from Open Office documents into ERP5.
  • SQL Worklist Cache Application - SQL-based caching system for worklists. This allows to cache object count into a SQL table, reducing greatly the amount of work needed for every worklist generation.
  • POS Application - ERP5 POS Application provides POS capabilities within a web based ERP5 system.
  • Consulting Application - Application for consultancy processes covering definition of requirements, categories and tasks.
  • HR Application - ERP5 HR provides human resources management inside ERP5
  • PDM Application - ERP5 PDM provides Product Data Management inside ERP5
  • Payroll Application - ERP5 Payroll generates pay-sheets based on flexible parameters. Multiple legislation can be supported within a single database
  • Base Application - ERP5 Base includes base module for the most common use of ERP5: Organisations, Persons and Currencies.
  • Invoicing Application - Application to generate invoices in ERP5.
  • Budget Application - ERP5 Budget helps manage budgets
  • Web Application - Simple yet powerful publication system over the web. Can serve any ERP5 object within a custom web design / layout.
  • GKR implements global ERP based on HTML5 offline technology - GKR, international group in rubber industry, has implemented in 3 months an exemplary purchase-production-sales data acquisition and management system for 14 subsidiaries in China and south-east Asia, through worldwide deployment of offline HTML5 Application, central ERP5 open source platform and GrandeNet application delivery network.
  • ERP5 ODS Style Application - The ERP5 Ods style used in order to create OpenOffice's ods files and display Ods report.
  • Forum Application - ERP5 Forum provides discussions / forum for any ERP5 document
  • ERP5 ODT Style Application - The ERP5 Odt style used in order to display nice ODT reports.
  • Request Patient Record - 
  • Hospital Stay - 
  • Hospital Invoice - 
  • Hospital Accounting - 
  • Hospital Inventory Fast Input - 
  • Hospital Stay Drugs - 
  • Credential Update View - 
  • UNG Debut - UNG Docs 1.0 Open Source Web Office Suite has been released during CONSEGI 2011 in Brasilia and at the same time during Solutions Linux exhibition in Paris. UNG Docs was successfully implemented at Instituto Federal Fluminense in Brazil on a SlapOS distributed Cloud to provide productivity application to students and researchers. UNG Docs is part of the "UNG is Not G....." for a Free Cloud.
  • Inventory Sold Product View - 
  • Gadget Front Dashboard View - 
  • Forge Bug View - 
  • Hospital Stay List - 
  • Hospital Act PDF - 
  • Hospital Purchases - 
  • Hospital Inventory - 
  • Project Application - ERP5 Project application provide project management
  • Advanced Invoicing Application - ERP5 Advanced Invoicing Application provides a generic separation between invoice generation and respective invoice transaction.
  • Hospital Home - 
  • SVG Editor Application - ERP5 SVG Editor Application provides a web SVG file editing user interface for editing a SVG content inside ERP5.
  • Hospital Invoice PDF - 
  • Hospital Purchases PDF - 
  • Consulting Usecase View - 
  • Gadget Add View - 
  • Sale Supply View - 
  • Hospital Purchase Reception Fast Input - 
  • Unit Tests - This page provides information how to download ERP5's source code.
  • Hospital Stay Record - 
  • Credential Recovery View - 
  • Hospital Fast Input for Stay - 
  • Xinha Editor Application - Application enabling use of Xinha Editor inside ERP5 (
  • Inventory Sold View - 
  • Sale Product View - 
  • Consulting Actors View - 
  • Hospital Fast Input for Act - 
  • Inventory Lines View - 
  • Hospital Admission - 
  • POS View - 
  • Internal Packing List View - 
  • Business Template Git View - 
  • Trade Application - ERP5 Trade provides management of sales, purchasing, packing, delivery and shipping processes.
  • CSV Style Application - Export any data inside ERP5 into a CSV format.
  • Hospital Act - 
  • Email Reader Application - ERP5 Email Reader Application provide the features of an Email reader to ERP5. It consists of a DMS external source, a WebSite and a gadget. The external source is capable of reading email from any POP/IMAP server, store it and index it into ERP5. The WebSite provides a email focused user interface. Gadgets provide access to email from ERP5 main page or from ERP5 KM.
  • Slideshow Application - ERP5 Slideshow Application provides a way to turn any web page into a nice presentation which can be shown into a full screen mode.
  • Hospital Purchase Reception - 
  • Nexedi Enterprise Free Software Meetup - Tokyo 2016 - Nexedi KK holds a mini event at 31 May 2016 to talk about the latest roadmap and success cases of ERP5 and other Free Software developed by Nexedi group.
  • Front Page - 
  • Source Code - This page provides information how to download ERP5's source code.
  • Success Cases - 


  • Open Source Banking - 
  • TioGadz - Press release after 2009 TGO and TioGadz launch
  • ERP5 Git Stats - This spreadsheets cumulates the data of the erp5 related repositories. The data was athered using the gitstats tool: The following repositories are included: cloudoo, neoppod, jio, renderjs, officejs, slapos, slapos.package, slapos.toolbox, slapos.core,, miniupnp, re6stnet, slapos.andorid, slapos.libnetworkcache, slapos.rebootstrap,, slapos.recipe.maarch, slapos.recipe.template, slapos.zcbworkarounds and xfw.
  • Nexedi announces "SlapOS Billing": open source billing platform for Cloud Computing - Nexedi, creator of ERP5 open source ERP and inventor of decentralized Cloud Computing, will introduce at Solutions Linux exhibition in Paris "SlapOS Billing", an open source billing platform for Cloud Computing.
  • ERP5 introduced to Sankei Chem - 
  • ERP5 World Forum PR - Press release to announce ERP5 World Forum
  • ERP5 Commit Diagram - Diagram which shows the commits of all ERP5 related repositories from the time periods 03-2004 to 02-2007, 03-2007 to 02-2010 and from 03-2010 to 02-2013. It is an extract of the data available in the spreadsheet "ERP5.R&D-git-stats" (see referenced Documents).

Erp5 BarcodeSearch

  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.

Erp5 DataSearch

Erp5 EcommerceSearch

  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.

Erp5 PdmSearch

  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.

Erp5 PosSearch

  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.

Erp5 ReleaseSearch

  • ERP5 Release 5.5 - Nexedi announces the availability of ERP5 Release 5.5. With the introduction of ZODB Components, the release extends ERP5's capabilities for 24/7 operation on clusters. It is the first release offering Chinese and German Internationalisation (Translation and Accounting Integration) through ERP5 Configurator. The introduction of code mirror and ace editor makes ERP5 even more suitable as Open Source private PaaS for developers of business applications.

Erp5 SimulationSearch

  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.

Erp5 SupplySearch

  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.

Erp5 TradeSearch

  • ERP5 Implementation in Aerospace Industry: Integrated Order Management Solution for TerraSAR-X Commercial Service Segment - Airbus DS Geo GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Airbus Defence and Space, holds the exclusive commercial exploitation rights for the TerraSAR-X radar earth observation satellite and uses ERP5 as part of the service segment for the commercial distribution of data from the TerraSAR-X Mission . The initial implementation of the ERP5 for the TerraSAR-X Service Segment was realised by Nexedi and Logica and went into production in 2006, after which Nexedi took sole responsibility for managing the system and its technical evolution.
  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.
  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.

Erp5 World ForumSearch


  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.


  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.



  • ERP5 FInance at Aide et Action - Aide et Action, International NGO, has implemented an exemplary financial management through a worldwide deployment of the Open Source ERP5 software package using SlapOS technology.

Financial StabilitySearch





  • TioGadz - Press release after 2009 TGO and TioGadz launch


  • TioGadz - Press release after 2009 TGO and TioGadz launch


  • TioGadz - Press release after 2009 TGO and TioGadz launch

Getting StartedSearch


  • ERP5 Git Stats - This spreadsheets cumulates the data of the erp5 related repositories. The data was athered using the gitstats tool: The following repositories are included: cloudoo, neoppod, jio, renderjs, officejs, slapos, slapos.package, slapos.toolbox, slapos.core,, miniupnp, re6stnet, slapos.andorid, slapos.libnetworkcache, slapos.rebootstrap,, slapos.recipe.maarch, slapos.recipe.template, slapos.zcbworkarounds and xfw.
  • ERP5 Commit Diagram - Diagram which shows the commits of all ERP5 related repositories from the time periods 03-2004 to 02-2007, 03-2007 to 02-2010 and from 03-2010 to 02-2013. It is an extract of the data available in the spreadsheet "ERP5.R&D-git-stats" (see referenced Documents).
  • Business Template Git View - 


  • Electronic Government Application - ERP5 Electronic Government Application provides a generic solution for building an electronic government site. It can turn any PDF into an electronic form and save it inside a database for further processing.





  • Health - Description of ERP5 solutions for Health Services and Hospitals.


  • Free Revolution - Press release for the introduction of ERP5 Express Free Service

How ToSearch


  • HR Application - ERP5 HR provides human resources management inside ERP5


  • GKR implements global ERP based on HTML5 offline technology - GKR, international group in rubber industry, has implemented in 3 months an exemplary purchase-production-sales data acquisition and management system for 14 subsidiaries in China and south-east Asia, through worldwide deployment of offline HTML5 Application, central ERP5 open source platform and GrandeNet application delivery network.


  • SlapOS Early Success Stories - This document provides a presentation of early success stories of SlapOS as of June 7th 2001. SlapOS success stories were first introduced at the OSCi workshop of the Compatible ONE collaborative research project to an audience of consisting of representatives of companies such as Bull, Intel, Alcatel Lucent, Thales, Orange, Nuxeo, Xwiki, Nexedi, Activeon, eNovance, Mandriva and VIFIB. Success stories were then announced officially during FISL, the largest open source conference worldwide, organized in Porto Alegre (Brazil).



  • Immobilisation Application - Immobilisation Template gives the ability to make accountable immobilisations and amortisations in ERP5.


  • OOo Import Data Application - ERP5 OOo Import Data Application makes it possible to import data from Open Office documents into ERP5.


  • ERP5 Implementation in Aerospace Industry: Integrated Order Management Solution for TerraSAR-X Commercial Service Segment - Airbus DS Geo GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Airbus Defence and Space, holds the exclusive commercial exploitation rights for the TerraSAR-X radar earth observation satellite and uses ERP5 as part of the service segment for the commercial distribution of data from the TerraSAR-X Mission . The initial implementation of the ERP5 for the TerraSAR-X Service Segment was realised by Nexedi and Logica and went into production in 2006, after which Nexedi took sole responsibility for managing the system and its technical evolution.


  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.



  • Advanced Invoicing Application - ERP5 Advanced Invoicing Application provides a generic separation between invoice generation and respective invoice transaction.



  • Application Convergence 2024 - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.
  • Application Convergence - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.


  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.


  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.


  • ERP5 KM Application - Application to organize documents and content for organizations or communities with a large number of participant or high amount of information.
  • KM - Description of ERP5 KM solutions.



  • KM - Description of ERP5 KM solutions.



Linux ErpSearch



  • Auto Logout Application - Allows to implement a cookie based authentication policy (i.e. auto logout feature if user is inactive after a configurable time interval)

Lost OasisSearch


  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.

Loyalty ProgramSearch

  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.



  • ERP5 MRP - Application covering the full range of requirements to manage a production facility: BOMs, Production Orders, Production Reports, Material Requirement Planning, Complex Supply Chains, etc. ERP5's multidimensional model allows for managing multiple independent factories within the same database, either in centralized or distributed mode.


  • ERP5 Banking - Press release to announce the successful implementation of ERP5 in a Central Bank

Mobile ApplicationsSearch

Mooc, University, Education, Correction, ScalabilitySearch

  • Running a Massive Open Online Course with ERP5 for 1500 students for Technische Universität Dresden and Supinfo - Technische Universität Dresden and Supinfo have chosen ERP5 to power the world-wide first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) teaching Enterprise Resource Planning and the first MOOC which uses machine-learning-based mass individual assessment. ERP5 was used to implement a course management and correction system which allows online assessment and semi-automatic correction of praxis projects. The system allowed to teach and asses 1500 students distributed over 18 countries by a team of 28 tutors with differing experience levels working from nine different sites.


  • ERP5 MRP - Application covering the full range of requirements to manage a production facility: BOMs, Production Orders, Production Reports, Material Requirement Planning, Complex Supply Chains, etc. ERP5's multidimensional model allows for managing multiple independent factories within the same database, either in centralized or distributed mode.
  • TioGadz - Press release after 2009 TGO and TioGadz launch


  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.


  • Nexedi Supports Pyston - Last November Nexedi hired Boxiang Sun, key community contributor to the development of Pyston, a performance-oriented Python implementation.
  • EOS Venture launches letitseed in France - Two months after its launch, EOS Venture is the only PSI ACPR-accredited equity crowdfunding platform in France, is built with the ERP/CRM modules of Nexedi's ERP5 and hosted on SlapOS.
  • First open source e-government platform in China - Nexedi released today the first open source lightning protection egovernment platform after studying during 9-months the business process of lightning protection in China. The platform is built on the ERP5 workflow with full customization to Chinese lightning protection business process and decision-making flow, together with modern e-business features: e-signature, document management, real-time image capturing, geo-location, mobile access. etc.
  • GKR implements global ERP based on HTML5 offline technology - GKR, international group in rubber industry, has implemented in 3 months an exemplary purchase-production-sales data acquisition and management system for 14 subsidiaries in China and south-east Asia, through worldwide deployment of offline HTML5 Application, central ERP5 open source platform and GrandeNet application delivery network.
  • UNG Debut - UNG Docs 1.0 Open Source Web Office Suite has been released during CONSEGI 2011 in Brasilia and at the same time during Solutions Linux exhibition in Paris. UNG Docs was successfully implemented at Instituto Federal Fluminense in Brazil on a SlapOS distributed Cloud to provide productivity application to students and researchers. UNG Docs is part of the "UNG is Not G....." for a Free Cloud.
  • Nexedi Invests in Shanghai - Nexedi Invests in Shanghai Free Trade Zone to Develop Mobile Technologies and ERP5
  • OSOE Debut - OSOE Launch press release
  • Free Cloud Alliance Formed - PR to announce the creation the Free Cloud Alliance
  • Nexedi Enterprise Free Software Meetup - Tokyo 2016 - Nexedi KK holds a mini event at 31 May 2016 to talk about the latest roadmap and success cases of ERP5 and other Free Software developed by Nexedi group.



  • ERP5 FInance at Aide et Action - Aide et Action, International NGO, has implemented an exemplary financial management through a worldwide deployment of the Open Source ERP5 software package using SlapOS technology.




  • OOo Import Data Application - ERP5 OOo Import Data Application makes it possible to import data from Open Office documents into ERP5.

On DemandSearch

  • Free Revolution - Press release for the introduction of ERP5 Express Free Service


  • OOo Import Data Application - ERP5 OOo Import Data Application makes it possible to import data from Open Office documents into ERP5.

Open ArchitectureSearch

Open SourceSearch

Open SourceSearch

  • SlapOS Early Success Stories - This document provides a presentation of early success stories of SlapOS as of June 7th 2001. SlapOS success stories were first introduced at the OSCi workshop of the Compatible ONE collaborative research project to an audience of consisting of representatives of companies such as Bull, Intel, Alcatel Lucent, Thales, Orange, Nuxeo, Xwiki, Nexedi, Activeon, eNovance, Mandriva and VIFIB. Success stories were then announced officially during FISL, the largest open source conference worldwide, organized in Porto Alegre (Brazil).

Open Source ErpSearch

Open Source Erp5Search

  • ERP5 FInance at Aide et Action - Aide et Action, International NGO, has implemented an exemplary financial management through a worldwide deployment of the Open Source ERP5 software package using SlapOS technology.
  • Nexedi Invests in Shanghai - Nexedi Invests in Shanghai Free Trade Zone to Develop Mobile Technologies and ERP5

Open StardardsSearch

Open World ForumSearch

Order ManagementSearch

  • ERP5 Implementation in Aerospace Industry: Integrated Order Management Solution for TerraSAR-X Commercial Service Segment - Airbus DS Geo GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Airbus Defence and Space, holds the exclusive commercial exploitation rights for the TerraSAR-X radar earth observation satellite and uses ERP5 as part of the service segment for the commercial distribution of data from the TerraSAR-X Mission . The initial implementation of the ERP5 for the TerraSAR-X Service Segment was realised by Nexedi and Logica and went into production in 2006, after which Nexedi took sole responsibility for managing the system and its technical evolution.
  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.


  • Careers - In this presentation, you will learn the universal work-flow of careers and assignments and their application within ERP5.
  • UNG Debut - UNG Docs 1.0 Open Source Web Office Suite has been released during CONSEGI 2011 in Brasilia and at the same time during Solutions Linux exhibition in Paris. UNG Docs was successfully implemented at Instituto Federal Fluminense in Brazil on a SlapOS distributed Cloud to provide productivity application to students and researchers. UNG Docs is part of the "UNG is Not G....." for a Free Cloud.
  • OSOE Debut - OSOE Launch press release


  • SlapOS Early Success Stories - This document provides a presentation of early success stories of SlapOS as of June 7th 2001. SlapOS success stories were first introduced at the OSCi workshop of the Compatible ONE collaborative research project to an audience of consisting of representatives of companies such as Bull, Intel, Alcatel Lucent, Thales, Orange, Nuxeo, Xwiki, Nexedi, Activeon, eNovance, Mandriva and VIFIB. Success stories were then announced officially during FISL, the largest open source conference worldwide, organized in Porto Alegre (Brazil).
  • TioLive Grid Debut - PR to announce the creation the TioLive Grid


Patient RecordSearch

  • Health - Description of ERP5 solutions for Health Services and Hospitals.


  • Payroll Application - ERP5 Payroll generates pay-sheets based on flexible parameters. Multiple legislation can be supported within a single database



  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.

Pesticide IndustrySearch

  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.


  • Authentication Policy Application - Allows to implement any authentication policy for an ERP5 Web site like block user after X authentication failures, control quality of used passwords, etc.


Price ModelSearch

  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.


  • ERP5 MRP - Application covering the full range of requirements to manage a production facility: BOMs, Production Orders, Production Reports, Material Requirement Planning, Complex Supply Chains, etc. ERP5's multidimensional model allows for managing multiple independent factories within the same database, either in centralized or distributed mode.
  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.



  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.


  • Nexedi Supports Pyston - Last November Nexedi hired Boxiang Sun, key community contributor to the development of Pyston, a performance-oriented Python implementation.


  • Email Reader Application - ERP5 Email Reader Application provide the features of an Email reader to ERP5. It consists of a DMS external source, a WebSite and a gadget. The external source is capable of reading email from any POP/IMAP server, store it and index it into ERP5. The WebSite provides a email focused user interface. Gadgets provide access to email from ERP5 main page or from ERP5 KM.



  • CRM - Description ERP5 CRM features for Enterprise segment.


  • ERP5 Git Stats - This spreadsheets cumulates the data of the erp5 related repositories. The data was athered using the gitstats tool: The following repositories are included: cloudoo, neoppod, jio, renderjs, officejs, slapos, slapos.package, slapos.toolbox, slapos.core,, miniupnp, re6stnet, slapos.andorid, slapos.libnetworkcache, slapos.rebootstrap,, slapos.recipe.maarch, slapos.recipe.template, slapos.zcbworkarounds and xfw.
  • ERP5 Commit Diagram - Diagram which shows the commits of all ERP5 related repositories from the time periods 03-2004 to 02-2007, 03-2007 to 02-2010 and from 03-2010 to 02-2013. It is an extract of the data available in the spreadsheet "ERP5.R&D-git-stats" (see referenced Documents).

Resilient Erp5 SlaposSearch


  • Application Convergence 2024 - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.
  • Application Convergence - ERP5 started in 2001 as an ERP application that was deployed in a small swimsuit factory. Thanks to its very generic design and REST API, it has evolved over years into a fully integrated application framework that extends towards CRM, ECM, IoT Big Data and social communication.


  • Free Revolution - Press release for the introduction of ERP5 Express Free Service



  • SlapOS Early Success Stories - This document provides a presentation of early success stories of SlapOS as of June 7th 2001. SlapOS success stories were first introduced at the OSCi workshop of the Compatible ONE collaborative research project to an audience of consisting of representatives of companies such as Bull, Intel, Alcatel Lucent, Thales, Orange, Nuxeo, Xwiki, Nexedi, Activeon, eNovance, Mandriva and VIFIB. Success stories were then announced officially during FISL, the largest open source conference worldwide, organized in Porto Alegre (Brazil).
  • ERP5 FInance at Aide et Action - Aide et Action, International NGO, has implemented an exemplary financial management through a worldwide deployment of the Open Source ERP5 software package using SlapOS technology.
  • TioLive implemation at Bet'Eire Flow - PR to announce the successful implementation of TioLive at Bet'Eire Flow
  • TioLive Grid Debut - PR to announce the creation the TioLive Grid



  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.

Sanef UkSearch

  • SlapOS Early Success Stories - This document provides a presentation of early success stories of SlapOS as of June 7th 2001. SlapOS success stories were first introduced at the OSCi workshop of the Compatible ONE collaborative research project to an audience of consisting of representatives of companies such as Bull, Intel, Alcatel Lucent, Thales, Orange, Nuxeo, Xwiki, Nexedi, Activeon, eNovance, Mandriva and VIFIB. Success stories were then announced officially during FISL, the largest open source conference worldwide, organized in Porto Alegre (Brazil).
  • SlapOS Successfully Implemented - PR to announce early success stories based on SlapOS.
  • SlapOS Successfully Implemented - Quick reaction to Patriot Act issues with public clouds.


  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.

Sans LimitesSearch


  • ERP5 Implementation in Aerospace Industry: Integrated Order Management Solution for TerraSAR-X Commercial Service Segment - Airbus DS Geo GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Airbus Defence and Space, holds the exclusive commercial exploitation rights for the TerraSAR-X radar earth observation satellite and uses ERP5 as part of the service segment for the commercial distribution of data from the TerraSAR-X Mission . The initial implementation of the ERP5 for the TerraSAR-X Service Segment was realised by Nexedi and Logica and went into production in 2006, after which Nexedi took sole responsibility for managing the system and its technical evolution.



  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.


  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.



  • SlapOS powers "TeraLab", Institut Mines Télécom's Big Data Platform - Within three months, Institut Mines Télécom and Nexedi automated through SlapOS the provisioning and operation of clusters of virtual machines that power Terelab Big Data platform. This project demonstrate how SlapOS hyperconvergent operating system can be used to power a corporate Big Data platform with strict security requirements, under strict time and budget constraints.
  • SlapOS Early Success Stories - This document provides a presentation of early success stories of SlapOS as of June 7th 2001. SlapOS success stories were first introduced at the OSCi workshop of the Compatible ONE collaborative research project to an audience of consisting of representatives of companies such as Bull, Intel, Alcatel Lucent, Thales, Orange, Nuxeo, Xwiki, Nexedi, Activeon, eNovance, Mandriva and VIFIB. Success stories were then announced officially during FISL, the largest open source conference worldwide, organized in Porto Alegre (Brazil).
  • Zero Emission - VIFIB announces Zero Emission allocation
  • SlapOS Successfully Implemented - PR to announce early success stories based on SlapOS.
  • IFF implements SlapOS - PR to announce IFF implements SlapOS Open Source Distributed Cloud on existing Linux Desktop PC Classrooms
  • ViFiB launches SlapRunner - VIFIB announces commercial service for Slap Runner
  • Stimergy Water Heating Servers - VIFIB announces partnership with Stimergy
  • SlapOS Successfully Implemented - Quick reaction to Patriot Act issues with public clouds.



  • Slideshow Application - ERP5 Slideshow Application provides a way to turn any web page into a nice presentation which can be shown into a full screen mode.

Social NetworkSearch

  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.



  • Unit Tests - This page provides information how to download ERP5's source code.
  • Source Code - This page provides information how to download ERP5's source code.


  • SQL Worklist Cache Application - SQL-based caching system for worklists. This allows to cache object count into a SQL table, reducing greatly the amount of work needed for every worklist generation.


  • ERP5 Git Stats - This spreadsheets cumulates the data of the erp5 related repositories. The data was athered using the gitstats tool: The following repositories are included: cloudoo, neoppod, jio, renderjs, officejs, slapos, slapos.package, slapos.toolbox, slapos.core,, miniupnp, re6stnet, slapos.andorid, slapos.libnetworkcache, slapos.rebootstrap,, slapos.recipe.maarch, slapos.recipe.template, slapos.zcbworkarounds and xfw.
  • ERP5 Commit Diagram - Diagram which shows the commits of all ERP5 related repositories from the time periods 03-2004 to 02-2007, 03-2007 to 02-2010 and from 03-2010 to 02-2013. It is an extract of the data available in the spreadsheet "ERP5.R&D-git-stats" (see referenced Documents).



  • TioGadz - Press release after 2009 TGO and TioGadz launch
  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.



Success StorySearch


  • Inventory Sold Product View - 
  • Sale Supply View - 
  • Sale Product View - 
  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.
  • Inventory Lines View - 


  • SVG Editor Application - ERP5 SVG Editor Application provides a web SVG file editing user interface for editing a SVG content inside ERP5.


  • ERP5 Banking - Press release to announce the successful implementation of ERP5 in a Central Bank
  • ERP5 Banking - A commercial presentation of ERP5 Banking.


  • UNG Debut - UNG Docs 1.0 Open Source Web Office Suite has been released during CONSEGI 2011 in Brasilia and at the same time during Solutions Linux exhibition in Paris. UNG Docs was successfully implemented at Instituto Federal Fluminense in Brazil on a SlapOS distributed Cloud to provide productivity application to students and researchers. UNG Docs is part of the "UNG is Not G....." for a Free Cloud.
  • OSOE Debut - OSOE Launch press release


  • ERP5 Implementation in Aerospace Industry: Integrated Order Management Solution for TerraSAR-X Commercial Service Segment - Airbus DS Geo GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Airbus Defence and Space, holds the exclusive commercial exploitation rights for the TerraSAR-X radar earth observation satellite and uses ERP5 as part of the service segment for the commercial distribution of data from the TerraSAR-X Mission . The initial implementation of the ERP5 for the TerraSAR-X Service Segment was realised by Nexedi and Logica and went into production in 2006, after which Nexedi took sole responsibility for managing the system and its technical evolution.


  • TioGadz - Press release after 2009 TGO and TioGadz launch



  • TioGadz - Press release after 2009 TGO and TioGadz launch


  • ERP5 Implementation in Aerospace Industry: Integrated Order Management Solution for TerraSAR-X Commercial Service Segment - Airbus DS Geo GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Airbus Defence and Space, holds the exclusive commercial exploitation rights for the TerraSAR-X radar earth observation satellite and uses ERP5 as part of the service segment for the commercial distribution of data from the TerraSAR-X Mission . The initial implementation of the ERP5 for the TerraSAR-X Service Segment was realised by Nexedi and Logica and went into production in 2006, after which Nexedi took sole responsibility for managing the system and its technical evolution.
  • Complete Coverage ERP Implementation for Japanese Pesticide Producer - Sankei Chemical chose ERP5 because of its ability to implement the highly complex price models used in Japanese pesticide industry. Sankei runs an integrated ERP5 solution to manage pesticide production, purchase, sales, shipment and inventory. Thanks to ERP5s flexible design philosophy, the system could be fully customized to Sankeis business processes including interfaces for electronic trading data exchange with large industry organizations and key customers. The success case shows the importance of client-side project management for an ERP implementation project and why sometimes perseverance is required for a perfect requirement analysis.
  • Trade Application - ERP5 Trade provides management of sales, purchasing, packing, delivery and shipping processes.
  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.




  • UNG Debut - UNG Docs 1.0 Open Source Web Office Suite has been released during CONSEGI 2011 in Brasilia and at the same time during Solutions Linux exhibition in Paris. UNG Docs was successfully implemented at Instituto Federal Fluminense in Brazil on a SlapOS distributed Cloud to provide productivity application to students and researchers. UNG Docs is part of the "UNG is Not G....." for a Free Cloud.


  • UNG Debut - UNG Docs 1.0 Open Source Web Office Suite has been released during CONSEGI 2011 in Brasilia and at the same time during Solutions Linux exhibition in Paris. UNG Docs was successfully implemented at Instituto Federal Fluminense in Brazil on a SlapOS distributed Cloud to provide productivity application to students and researchers. UNG Docs is part of the "UNG is Not G....." for a Free Cloud.
  • OSOE Debut - OSOE Launch press release


  • Free Revolution - Press release for the introduction of ERP5 Express Free Service


User ManagementSearch

  • How to Add People - In this presentation, you will learn how to create new persons in ERP5.


  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.


  • Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5 - Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.




  • eCommerce - Description ERP5 CRM features for Enterprise segment.


  • Web Application - Simple yet powerful publication system over the web. Can serve any ERP5 object within a custom web design / layout.


  • CRM - Description ERP5 CRM features for Enterprise segment.
  • Government - Description of ERP5 solutions for e-goverment.
  • Aerospace - Description of ERP5 solutions for e-goverment.
  • KM - Description of ERP5 KM solutions.


  • SQL Worklist Cache Application - SQL-based caching system for worklists. This allows to cache object count into a SQL table, reducing greatly the amount of work needed for every worklist generation.


Zengin ProtocolSearch


  • ERP5 Banking - Press release to announce the successful implementation of ERP5 in a Central Bank