ERP5 Core Principles

info on how to keep ERP5 core clean and minimal.
  • Last Update:2016-05-16
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

erp5_core is supposed to contain minimal parts to bootstrap an ERP5 site and be able to install more business templates. It's content should be kept to a strict minimal.

Table of Contents

Cleanup ERP5 Core

The simple rule is:

Everything which is not required for installing more business templates should not be put in erp5_core.

So it should only contain:

  • Business Template views (business templates portal types and workflows are file system based for low level bootstraping issues)
  • Categories portal types, view and workflows
  • Caching architecture used by business template installation process (portal types and caches as paths)
  • Preferences types, views and workflows, they are used in the installation process
  • Trash Tool portal type and workflow (+ causality base category to relate trash bin and business template)

And it should not contain:

  • some common domains as path elements -> erp5_base
  • Password Tool -> erp5_base
  • some alarms -> erp5_base for password, erp5_administration for check stock
  • obsolete portal types : Folder, Document, Mapped Value -> trash if really not used, or erp5_base
  • global actions (history, modules actions) -> erp5_base
  • base categories not needed to install business template (source, delivery etc) -> erp5_base
  • portal_transforms integration -> erp5_base (or new bt, like erp5_transforms ?)
  • workflows not used by business templates -> erp5_base
  • portal_notifications -> erp5_base

To be decided:

  • Alarm portal types, view and workflows -> erp5_base
  • Simulation portal types and (interaction) workflows -> erp5_base
  • Domain portal types -> erp5_base (having domain documents in erp5_base can be a chicken and egg problem ?)
  • Predicate portal type -> erp5_base
  • sessions architecture ? -> erp5_base ?
  • StandardSecurity extension -> in ERP5Security product ?

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