How to Order and access a WebRunner on VIFIB

XXX CLN: reference should be updated to specify it is to deploy ERP5 A step by step guide to allocate ERP5 instances with SlapOS either through VIFIB Web user interface
  • Last Update:2016-11-10
  • Version:001
  • Language:en



Start developing HTML5 application with VIFIB PaaS: the WebRunner

This guide will teach you:

  • How to order a webrunner
  • How to acces your webrunner
  • How to set up your environment
  • How to start developping

Order a Webrunner

Go on in order to order a webrunner

SlapOS runner is a web based development tool which uses slapgrid to install and instantiate the software, but it can also be used to develop HTML5 applications.

When you order one in vifib it is deployed as a resilient instance. It means Vifib will keep 3 working copy of your environment plus 2 backups. The

Access Web Runner

Read your connection parameters

Here are displayed all the information needed to access webrunner' services


  1. Access url: Url to set up your account and then login into your webrunner
  2. Backend URL: ipv6 url to directly access your runner
  3. Git private url: private url for your repositories. You can use it to push
  4. Git public url: public url of your repositories.
  5. Monitor password: default monitor password generated for the webrunner instance
  6. Monitor Url: Monitor OPML URL that should be used to connect or configure this monitor instance to web interface.
  7. Monitor default Username.
  8. Monitor Setup Url: Use this url to configure or reconfigure your monitor instance in your web browser.
  9. Public Url: Url of the public folder of your runner
  10. SSH command: used to access your runner in ssh when you provided a ssh public key
  11. Resilient takeover URL and password.
  12. Url: Url to access your runner once you set your account
  13. Webdav url: url for webdav access of your runner it access the root of your runner. Same users as the one for the runner


Connect to monitor interface

In order to set up the first account of your web runner you need to get the recovery code available in the monitor interface. To do so use the "Monitor Setup Url" available as a connection parameter. Use "Monitor Username" and "Monitor Password" to configure.

Get your credential

Once in your monitoring interface click on "Menu" -> "Applications Overview" then navigate to your instance, in order to get the "recovery-code" needed to set your account into the webrunner. Note that Webrunner webdav password is the same as monitor password. You can change it from monitoring interface.

Set Up your account

Now that you have the recovery password access the "Access Url" in order to set up your account into the runner. You should access the following