Most Powerful Open Source ERP

How To Classify Servers In A Network

This document explains how to categorize computers in your network.

To follow the steps outlined below, you need to have access to a SlapOS Master (setting up a SlapOS Master) and at least a first network node to categorize (installing a SlapOS node).

Table of Content

  • Set Computer Allocation Scope
  • Adding Sites
  • Adding Projects
  • Adding Networks
  • Associating A Computer

Set Computer Allocation Scope

Allocation Scope can be set on a computer in the SlapOS Dashboard. It is a base category in ERP5 (you can check with superuser privileges on the ERP5 interface at [IPv4]/erp5/portal_categories/allocation_scope). In the SlapOS Dashboard, allocation scope is a parameter settable on a computer denoting its accessability.

Login to SlapOS Dashboard

SlapOS Dashboard - Login

Log into the SlapOS Dashboard.

Servers Menu

SlapOS Dashboard - Server List

Locate the Servers entry on the side menu to access the list of servers. Click on one of the available servers to access its configuration parameters.

Server Configuration

SlapOS Dashboard - Server Configuration

On the configuration parameters, note the Allocation Scope parameter on the right hand side. It determines to whome the server can provide software instantiation services. The following options are possible:

  • Open/Public: anyone can request an a service
  • Open/Personal: accessible only by the owner of the computer
  • Open/Friend: accessible to a limited group of users defined by email
  • Closed/Forever: computer is gone and will not be used again
  • Closed/Maintenance: unavailable due to scheduled maintenance
  • Closed/Termination: service allocation stopped due to future termination
  • Closed/Outdated: computer has not contacted SlapOS Master for too long

To change the scope, select one of the available options and click Save

Note, that extending the number of allocation scopes is possible. However, for setting user permissions, it is better to use projects and/or organisations.

Adding Sites

Sites correspond to an organisation in the underlying ERP5 Interface a site, because organisations can have geocoordinates. Sites are used to locate computers on a map.

Sites Menu

SlapOS Dashboard - Sites

Locate the Sites entry on the side panel which will take you to the list of declared sites.

Add New Site

SlapOS Dashboard - Add A Site

To add a new site, locate the Add button in the subheader. Click to add a new site.

Add Organisation

SlapOS Dashboard - Name the Site

Give a name to your site (organisation), then click Proceed

Site Created

SlapOS Dashboard - Create Site

You will be forwarded to the new site you created. Notice it does not have any geocoordinates yet and the status fields for computers and partitions on this site are also grey (indicating no info available or no items).

Add Site Geocoordinates

SlapOS Dashboard - Add Site Geocoordinates

Next, find the site's geocoordinates (for example using, add them to the site and click Save. You will have to refresh the page for the map to update.

Adding Projects

Projects in the SlapOS Dashboard correspond to Projects in the underlying ERP5 interface. Projects are required to be able to clearly distinguish computers in a network.

Project List

SlapOS Dashboard - Add Project

To continue, click on Projects in the side menu. Then click Add as before when adding a site.

Name Project

SlapOS Dashboard - Name Project

Give the project a name and an optional description. Click Proceed to continue.

Project Created

SlapOS Dashboard - Create Project

Once the project is created you can see that also no computers or partitions are associated to the project directly after creation.

Adding Networks

Networks correspond to Computer Networks in the underlying ERP5 interface and are also required to clearly distinguish computers being used.

Network List

SlapOS Dashboard - Add Network

To continue, click on the Networks entry on the side menu. Once on the list of networks, click Add to add a network.

Name Network

SlapOS Dashboard - Name Network

Give the network a name and Save to continue.

Create Network

SlapOS Dashboard - Create Network

Once the network is created you will see it also has no computers or partitions associated right after creation.

Associating A Computer

After creating sites, networks and projects you can now start associating the computers in your network.

Server List

SlapOS Dashboard - Server List

Head to the list of servers using the Servers entry in the side menu. As mentioned in the beginning you should have at least one server available so it can be associated. Click on this server to continue.

Select Network

SlapOS Dashboard - Server Network Selection

On the server configuration page it should now be possible to select the network previously created. Select it and click Save to continue.

Transfer to Add Site and Project

SlapOS Dashboard - Server Transfer

To associate a server with a site and project, click the Transfer button in the subheader.

Select Future Site and Project

SlapOS Dashboard - Server Transfer Destination

In the dialog you can see the current site and location (if they have been set). Select the site and location you want to transfer this server to, then click Proceed. Note, you can also only set a single parameter, but while is not necessary to have both site and project declared on a server, they should have both be defined to have a clear association.

Associated Server

SlapOS Dashboard - Server associated to Site and Project

Back on your server menu you can now see that the server has been transferred to the site and project chosen. Head to the Dashboard landing page by clicking on Home on the side menu.

Dashboard with Site List

SlapOS Dashboard - Map view with associated servers

Note, that the map now shows your server which as moved to the specified site. The right hand table will show a list with all sites. The two icons for computers and partitions show the aggregated status over all computers associated to this site. As mentioned:

  • a green status denotes all computers and partitions are accessible and ok
  • a yellow status indicated there are issues with some computers/partitions
  • a red status means all computers or partitions have problems

You can now access the list of computers and partitions through the site, project and network menues.

Site Status

SlapOS Dashbaord - Site Status

To open a site either click on Sites in the side menu or on the Dashboard widget next to the map. Locate a site to open the site of computers and installed partitions.

Project Status

SlapOS Dashbaord - Project Status

Click on Projects on the side menu to see the list of projects and aggregate status for computers and partitions associated to a project.

Network Status

SlapOS Dashboard - Network Status

Click on Networks on the side menu to see the list of networks and aggreate status for computers and partitions associated with a network.

Thank You

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